First Psychology Assistance
14 Jan 2022

Webinar – Chasing The Perfect Picture: Body Image And Mental Health

This webinar took place on Thursday 27 January, 12-12.45pm GMT

‘Body image’ is a term which describes how we think and feel about our bodies and how they look. While having body image concerns is a relatively common experience and is not a mental health problem in and of itself; it can be a risk factor for mental health problems.

Higher body dissatisfaction is often associated with a poorer quality of life, psychological distress and the risk of unhealthy eating behaviours and eating disorders. Whereas, body satisfaction and appreciation has been linked to better overall wellbeing and fewer unhealthy dieting behaviours.

Though feeling unsatisfied with our bodies and appearance is often more common among young women, body image concerns are relevant from childhood through to later life and affect women, men and non-binary/gender non-conforming individuals.

This FREE webinar explores how negative body image develops, how it is maintained, and what you can do to have a more healthy relationship with your body and stop chasing the perfect picture.

Webinar recording

If you didn't register prior to the event, the webinar recording can be viewed via this link. If you registered for the webinar, you will automatically receive a link to view the recording within 48 hours of the webinar.

Resources provided during this webinar

First Psychology booklets

Other helpful resources
