Autumn Webinar 1 - Coping With A Changing Workplace
We've all heard the phrase 'new normal' but what is it going to mean for us in the workplace?
This webinar looks at some of the issues that transitioning into a more permanent 'new normal' might have on our wellbeing.
You might have been working at home during the various lockdowns but are looking to return full time to working in an office; maybe your organisation is looking at hybrid working; or perhaps full-time remote working is going to be your 'new normal'.
These transitions can bring up a lot of anxiety and fear about the unknown.
This webinar looks at some of the knowledge and skills that you can utilise to positively adapt to changing, uncertain circumstances by focusing on:
- what matters most to you
- how you can do what it takes to still work towards those things
- how to accept what you cannot control and be present in the here and now.
Webinar recording
If you didn't register prior to the event, the webinar recording can be viewed using this link. If you registered for the webinar, you will automatically receive a link to view the recording within 48 hours of the webinar.Resources provided during this webinar
First Psychology Podcasts
The Benefits And Practice Of Mindfulness (audio file on Soundcloud)Mindfulness Meditation (audio file on Soundcloud)
Preparing For Change (audio file on Soundcloud)
First Psychology's Booklets
Your Guide To Mindfulness (free pdf download)
Accept, Commit, And Act - A Toolkit For Maintaining Wellbeing After Lockdown (free pdf download)
Additional resources
Values Sheet > (download from external website)The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris (book)
ACT resources > (external website)
ACT videos > (external website)
ACT for coping with Coronavirus video > external website)
What is mindfulness > (external website)
Meditation > (external website)