The symptoms of anxiety
Anxiety causes different symptoms in different people, but the signs can be grouped into the physical and emotional effects. Employees experiencing anxiety may have a dry mouth, experience breathlessness, have a pounding heart, have difficulty sleeping or suffer exhaustion. They may visit the toilet frequently and complain of chest pains, feeling sick, dizziness and headaches. They may be irritable, lack concentration and be constantly worrying.Sometimes people try and manage these feelings by using alcohol or drugs - this is a much more common coping strategy for men. This strategy can help reduce feelings of anxiety for a while, but in the long term it can make things much worse.
Therefore, knowing the signs and symptoms to look out for in employees can be a vital factor in them getting the help they need at the earliest opportunity.
How do you get it?
There are many reasons why people suffer from anxiety. They may feel out of control and have general worries about routine events, those around them and the future (often called "Generalised Anxiety Disorder"). They might feel anxious in certain social situations, and feel they can't cope ("social anxiety disorder"). They may worry about something that has happened in the past happening again in the future (post traumatic stress disorder). Or it may seem to come from nowhere, or stem from work or home. Whatever the cause, if it's not managed, it can have a massive effect on the life and performance of the individual concerned.Help for anxiety
When trying to help someone experiencing anxiety, it is important to recognise that facing anxiety can be a scary prospect. Focusing on the positive differences that seeking help can make to someone's life, can be a good way of encouraging them to seek assistance.GPs often prescribe anti-depressant drugs or tranquilisers to control feelings of anxiety, but they don't tackle the root cause, so they're often used alongside 'talking treatments' like counselling or psychotherapy to try and tackle the anxiety long-term.
First Psychology Assistance offers a range of Employee Assistance Services to support employees and help them work through their difficulties so they can reach their full potential.
Further information
We are always delighted to discuss your individual requirements for employee support with you. Please call us on 0845-872-1780 or contact us using our web form for further details.